Monday, December 21, 2020

End of the Year Setbacks

   Today was supposed to be the day my hip got replaced. But I got a call a few days back telling me that the surgeon that's doing the operation had an emergency come up and the surgery has been cancelled. This fucking sucks. I have no idea when the surgery will be rescheduled but I'm hoping that the delay won't be too long.

  My financial situation is crap. I'm behind on my bills and I've only recently gotten back up to 40 hours at work. Some unplanned for additional expenses, like both my plates and license needing to be renewed plus medical expenses insurance didn't cover have stuck it to be good. The federal government has approved a new stimulus bill that's supposed to include $600 checks for everyone. They're saying they'll be sent out sometime in January. I could really use the money right now. Hopefully, I'll be able to file my taxes early and get a hefty refund.

  Gen Con is out of the question this year. The money simply won't be there. My credit card bill is too high so I won't be able to cover the hotel bill, gas or tolls for the trip. My debit cards are devoid of funds. I sure as shit hope this doesn't get worse.

  My paperwork regarding the surgery has been turned in to the proper people. From what I've gathered, I've filled out my parts correctly. Now the doctor and the insurance people have to do their part. If everything works out, I should be getting some money during the time I'm recovering from surgery.

  My Mom bought a new iPad a while back. While she likes technology, she doesn't really know how to work it. I'm usually the one that sets up her computers, cellphones and tablets. She had a small Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 that she never really used. She gave it to me. It only has 8 Gb of internal memory but it has a 60 Gb micro SD card in the memory slot. I've set it up so that any photos or videos I take with it are stored on the SD card. I want to use this tablet as a camera in place of my cellphone. I have a pair of Aukey Ora 2 in 1 lenses that I can clip over the tablet's camera lens. One is a 15x macro lens for extreme close ups and the other, a 0.45x wide angle lens, in combination with the macro lens, takes 120 degree wide angle photos. I ordered a combination keyboard/tablet case for the Tab A6 that should be arriving in the mail today.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Seditious Contards

   Even after losing the vast majority of his election fraud lawsuits, Dipshit Donnie is still trying to overturn the 2020 election. The Electoral College certified Biden's win on Dec. 14th putting another nail in the Toxic Turdball's coffin. Sadly, all this has done is send Trump into yet another tweet storm and Trump supporters have been holding violent protests with people like Alex Jones stating that Biden will be removed from office "one way or the other". Remember, this is the motherfucker that said that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax which lend to some of the survivors receiving death threats from Jones's fans. Why this asshole hasn't been arrested for sedition is beyond me. The same could be said for the 106 House Republicans that tried to negate the votes cast in Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Here's the video.


These GOP cocksuckers are trying their best to undermine our democracy. They should be removed from office in accordance to section 3 of the 14th Amendment for their disloyalty. Here's another video showing the Neo Nazi Proud Boys committing acts of violence at pro Trump rallies.
These seditious inbred syphilitic goat fuckers need to be rounded up and locked up. I hope the various law enforcement agencies find a way to break them up and destroy their influence. They need to suffer for their crimes.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Right Wing Evangelical Contards

   For some time now, conservatives have used the term libtard, a portmanteau of the words liberal and retard, to denigrate those on the Left. To the best of my knowledge, the opposite term, contard, has never been used or used extremely infrequently. We liberals need to use this term more often. Especially now given the shit some of these contards are trying to pull.

  That brings us to the subject of this post, the right wing evangelical contard. Ever since Biden and Harris have been declared the winners of this year's election, they've been losing their collective minds. They've been praying for God to strike down those people conspiring against Trump. They can't believe that the majority of the people don't regard Trump as the second coming of Christ. Let's look at a few of these pricks. First up, Kenneth Copeland.

As you can clearly see here, Hyena Boy has a problem with reality. This religious con man thinks that he and his followers can just ignore what just happened. The joke's on you, pal. Whether you like it or not, Trump lost.
  Next up, we have Trump's spiritual advisor, Paula White. This cunt goes mental and starts ranting some cult like chant occasionally interspersed with gibberish calling upon angels and whatnot to strike down Trump's enemies.

  This member of the right wing lunatic fringe comes across as a female Jim Jones and we all know how well things went at Jonestown. Let's take a more detailed look at on stage mental meltdown.

  She acts like she has divine forces at her beck and call. She arrogantly believes that wherever she walks is holy ground. She's clearly delusional and/or a charlatan. And the scary part is people believe her and send her money.
  Third on the list is Michele Bachmann. This religious zealot used a member of the House of Representatives. How a woman this off the deep end got elected is beyond me. She's posted a cult like rant similar to Paula White calling upon God to smash the 'jar of delusion' effecting America. I'd be careful about that if I were her. God may interpret 'jar of delusion' as meaning the skull containing your brain and smash that. Here's the video.

  Copeland and White are little more than con artists. The reason they love Trump so much is that he caters to their needs. They get their followers to believe that Trump is the Chosen of God so they'll vote for him and he grants them influence in the federal government. They'll try to pass laws in the name of 'religious freedom' that basically give evangelicals the power to shove their religious views down everyone else's throats. They want to be able to get political from the pulpit without sacrificing their tax exempt status. They don't give a shit about anybody else not even their own followers. Bachmann, on the other hand, is little more than a religious dupe. She's far too stupid to realize that people like Copeland and White are just power hungry, money grubbing grifters. She's like the blind little sheeples following these grifters. That's what makes her, and people like her, dangerous. They believe the verbal diarrhea being spewed by the grifters. They believe it with all their heart and soul. And some of them may decide to act on said beliefs. What violence will come from that? 
  This last video includes some footage from the previous videos as well as footage of other preachers going batshit crazy over Trump's loss. While it's amusing to watch their stupidity, just remember that there are a lot of these people in America and they're just stupid enough to tear this nation apart.

Friday, November 20, 2020

MAGA Maggots and Trump's Humiliating Loss

   It's now 17 days after the election and Dipshit Donnie still hasn't conceded. His record for winning the lawsuits he's filed is an abysmal 1 win and 15 losses. Poll workers have been receiving death threats from the MAGA maggots. These maggots say they want a fair vote count. This is a lie. The don't want, and have never wanted, a fair election. They want Trump to remain President. Period.

  Trump, the MAGA maggots and the spineless, toadying members of the GOP are not patriots, they're traitors and they should be treated as such. Even Fox News, normally avid Trump supporters, have acknowledged Biden's victory Of course other right wing propaganda networks like One America News and Newsmax are still pumping out conspiracy theories to the brain addled MAGA maggots.

  Another ploy Trump is trying to exploit is faithless electors. Unfortunately for Trump, the Supreme Court shot that down. So far after all the vote recounting, no states Biden has won have switched to Trump. But the fight is by no means over. Trump is still trying to stop election certification in certain key areas. Until the election is officially certified, the electors can't vote.

  Even if the election is officially certified, the MAGA maggots won't be satisfied. They could try to force the outcome they want via violence. And we all know Trump will be right there fanning the flames. Trump doesn't care about America. He only cares about himself. He wants power and will stop at nothing to keep it. He's also making a last minute money grab from his supporters ostensibly to investigate voter fraud although 60% of it is going cover Trump's campaign debts.

  We need to certify Biden's victory. Then, on Jan. 20th, throw Dipshit Donnie out of the White House. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Biden & Harris For The Win

   After 4 VERY long years, the comedy of errors that was the Trump administration is ending. Joe Biden And Kamala Harris have been officially declared the winners of the 2020 election. Of course Trump, being the narcissistic fuckwad that he is, refuses to concede. He's claiming, sans proof, that he won but was cheated of his rightful victory by a deep state conspiracy consisting of the Democrats, Big Tech and the left wing media. Typical.

  He's filed lawsuits in those states where he lost by small margin of votes. During the vote counting process, Trump supporters were chanting for poll workers to "Stop the count." in those areas where Trump was winning but Biden was gaining and "Count the votes." where Biden had the lead but Trump was gaining. Here's a video of one such protest.

  The MAGA maggots that told us in 2016 to suck it up and accept the fact that their guy won are now whining like the pathetic little snowflakes they are because the pile of fermented shit they've been huffing for the past 4 years lost. My advice to them is put on your big boy/girl pants and suck it up.
  The President and Vice President elect have a long road ahead of them. Which party will control the Senate is still up for grabs. The Democrats need 3 more seats in order to gain control. Right now, it looks like the Democrats will retain control of the House. With both Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnel being reelected, you know they're going to take every opportunity to undermine the new administration. Biden had to deal with this for 8 years when he served as Obama's Vice President. The other question is how many Republicans will continue to lick the shit out of Trump's fat, orange ass now that he's lost? Maybe they're hoping all the lawsuits will end up in the Supreme Court and the conservative majority will dump the Presidency back into Trump's tiny little hands. That could be why they rammed through Amy Coney Barrett before the election despite the fact that they ignored Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland back in 2016.
  Trump has made it clear that he doesn't accept the results of the election and he refuses the commit to a peaceful transfer of power. The MAGA maggots may decide to try to block his removal from office. This could get ugly. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day

   Today is finally Election Day and, hopefully, a certain narcissistic, xenophobic, misogynistic moronic fuckwad of a walking pile of shit to EVER hold the office of President will be kicked out of office. One can only hope. Four more years of this asshole will, in all likelihood, mean four more years of the coronavirus. He's done virtually nothing to stop its spread and his misinformation, along with that of the Fox Propaganda Network, has led to 236,997 deaths in the USA as of this blog post according to We need people in our government that listen to the experts and take swift and certain action not some doddering idiot that thinks he knows better than everyone else.

  While the current polls are predicting Biden and Harris will win, I'm not celebrating just yet. Our wannabe dictator for life has been trying to undermine this election for now. He's been undermining the USPS in an attempt to stop mail in voting. He's also claimed that absentee ballots are subject to ballad fraud. Some articles state that ballot fraud is rare while this article claims voter fraud is more the rule than the exception. It should be noted that, despite Trump's claims, voter fraud isn't widespread in the US.

  Should Trump lose, even if it's by a landslide, I doubt he'll go quietly. He'll whine, bitch, piss and moan about how unfair the system was to him. He'll call upon his sycophantic followers to rise up in possibly violent protests against his removal from office. He'll try every trick in the book to hold on to the Presidency. He may have to be forcibly removed.

  My Mom, Dad and I cast our votes early. We requested absentee ballots and filled them out according to the procedure detailed on the instruction sheet. Instead of dropping them in the mail, the ballots were driven over to the proper location and turned in personally. That way we didn't risk them being lost or delayed in the mail system.

  I truly want Trump to lose. I want him to get his ass stomped into a mud hole so badly that he'll never be able to sit down again. Trump has said that he might leave the US if he loses. Oh please, let that be so. His loss could bring a legal reckoning against him for some of the shit he's pulled. Right now, being President has protected him from those legal woes. Let's hope that ends too.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Hip Surgery Scheduled

   The Trulicity and metformin, along with the other medications, has lowered my a1c to 6.4. As a result, my hip replacement surgery has been scheduled for Dec. 21st. I was given a chlorhexidine gluconate soap to be used the day before and the morning of the operation. I'm expected to be off for 6 weeks after the surgery. MetLife is going to be sending me the FMLA forms and I've contacted UFCW 1473 to see if there are any forms I need from them. When I had my colectomy, I had to get a form from the union in addition to the other forms I required. I believe this is so I get paid while I'm on leave.

  My 59th birthday is coming up. I ordered the Great Old Ones pack 2 for Cthulhu Wars. It includes Atlach-Nacha, BokrugFather Dagon and Ghatanothoa. I'm expecting it later today. My orders with The Game Stewards has been delayed until Feb. 2021. The Debunked game arrived a while back. The posters will be mailed separately. The Hexacube Kickstarter has had trouble finding a dice manufacturer that can make the dice correctly and the Go Dice Kickstarter has been delayed due to the pandemic.

  Satursgiving has been cancelled due to the pandemic. This sucks. I haven't gamed since last year's Gen Con and was looking forward to at least seeing my friends again. It's likely that the New Year's Eve get together at Glenn's will be cancelled as well. 2020 has been fucking boring as shit.

  The election's coming up Nov. 3rd. Mom, Dad and I already voted via absentee ballots. Hopefully, Trump and his GOP sycophants will have their collective asses bounced out of office. Of course, the orange skinned dipshit has indicated that if he loses the election, he won't leave office peacefully. If this is the case, I hope the military escorts his sorry bloated orange ass out of the White House at gunpoint. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Covidiots and Their Leader

   After dismissing Covid-19 as little more than the flu, Dipshit Donnie has caught it. Both he and Melania have tested positive. Here's the video.

  Trump was taken to Walter Reed hospital, but in typical narcissistic arrogance, he didn't stay long. As soon as he got back to the White House, the Great Orange Fuckwad took off his mask. He genuinely doesn't care if he infects the people around him. Is he really that stupid?

Of course, his disregard for mask wearing to stop the virus remains unchanged.

Other covidiots among the GOP have also tested positive for Covid-19. This is what you get when you ignore CDC guidelines. The Cheeto Haired Twit went to rallies where he and most of his braindead obsequious sycophants failed to wear masks and socially distance themselves. He may have spread the virus at a rally in Duluth, Minnesota.

Monday, August 31, 2020

More Health Issues & Stuff

  On 7-08-20, I had some stomach issues. My gut felt bloated and uncomfortable. I took some Beano and Pepto and the symptoms went away. On 7-11-20, the symptoms returned. I ended up leaving work after about twenty minutes and went home. I went to the emergency room later that day.
  After receiving an MRI, I was diagnosed with choledocholithiasis with acute cholecystitis with obstruction. In simple terms, my gallbladder was infected. Apparently, gallstones had gotten trapped in the bile duct causing the infection.
  I had to have my gall bladder removed but first they had to treat the infection. Because of the upcoming operation, I couldn't eat or drink anything. I was kept hydrated intravenously. Before operation, they performed an endoscopy where a camera was inserted down my throat allowing the doctors to clear out the gallstones and pus before placing a stent into the duct. Once the infection was dealt with, I underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
  The surgery went well and I was discharged on 7-16-20. Unfortunately, I lost several shifts at work so my upcoming checks are going to suffer. The surgery plus the heat of the recent days have made work difficult. I was sent home early Saturday because I was sweating so much.
  The family dog, Bear, passed away shortly after I came home from the hospital. He developed diabetic ketoacidosis. He was the last dog the family will have because everyone here is getting up in age and can no longer properly take care of a pet. I miss him and all the other pets we've had over the years.
  Gen Con 2020 was a virtual convention this year due to Covid-19. Badges were free and all events were conducted online. I ended up not participating because I didn't want to request more time off from work.
  My visit with my orthopedic surgeon was somewhat productive. My last a1c reading was 7.6 which is still a little too high for my hip replacement surgery. I need to get it down to 7.2 or lower. I'm seeing my endocrinologist on Oct. 27th. Some blood work will be done prior to the appointment so they can get a new a1c reading. If it's low enough, I'm going to make an appointment for surgery. The stent put in place before my gall bladder surgery will be removed Sept. 17th.
  Several Kickstarters I've helped fund have come through. The Better Backstories deck, Tavern Brawl and Book of the Dead games, Critical Hit dice set and Mythroll Armory 4:8/6:12 and 20:10 dice spinners have arrived. I'm very happy with my purchases. The Debunked card game is almost ready to ship. The Overkill and Underkill d20s should be shipping soon. The Hexacube Kickstarter has been running into problems. They've been having problems finding someone that can make a decent set of molds for the dice. They can't get the face ratios and edge geometry correct resulting in biased dice. Two different Chinese dice makers tried and failed. The second company says the molds are impossible to make. I'm not buying that. It sounds more like they don't want to make the effort. There haven't been any recent updates from the Go Cube people yet. Hopefully, they're on schedule and I'll be getting them soon. 
  My Cthulhu Wars order from The Game Stewards should be mailed out sometime in September. The problem is my order is for items from various Kickstarters and if those Kickstarters were delayed by the pandemic, then the Game Stewards won't get the items on time to ship them to me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Signs of the Times

  The pandemic has caused quite a few changes in the way we live our lives. Masks are being required at my workplace. Only essential businesses are up and running. Restaurants are conducting business online and by phone with curbside pickup or contactless delivery. Numerous EDC (every day carry) devices are being offered on Kickstarter. Most of these are made from copper or the copper alloy, brass. Brass, bronze and copper are known to be antimicrobial and kill a variety of microorganisms relatively quickly. The devices in question are meant to be used for touching frequently touched surfaces like keypads, elevator buttons, door handles etc. You use them to touch these surfaces thus keeping any microorganisms from coming into contact with your skin. The copper or brass surface then kills them.
  Some of these devices include the Safepoint Antimicrobial Door Opener, the Careful KeyCuPID and the one I've purchased, the Hygiene Hand. Search EDC on Kickstarter to see more devices like these. I've purchased three virus masks from a seller on Etsy. Now me, my Mom and my Dad have reuseable and washable face protection. I got the Navy camo pattern because the material is thicker on those and the Army camo masks.
  The pandemic has delayed many of the Kickstarters I've pledged to. Elderwood Academy was shut down for a time thus delaying the crafting of my mini Spellbook. The Hexacube, Overkill d20 and Critical Dice sets are status unknown at present. Since China manufactures the dice for these Kickstarters, the sellers have to wait until the factories are up and running again. On the plus side, the Debunked card games have been printed and are due to be mailed out soon. I'm still waiting to hear from the people that made my Mindflayer Turn Keeper regarding the extra set of magnetic and battlefield tokens I ordered.
  On the medical side of things, I had a meeting with my endocrinologist recently. I've been prescribed two new meds, metformin and dulaglutide (Trulicity). Technically, the metformin isn't new. When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I was prescribed metformin. With the addition of these two drugs, my blood glucose readings have lowered. I'm finally getting readings below 150 mg/dl on a fairly consistent basis. If I can keep this up, I can get my a1c to 7 or below and get my right hip replaced.

Trump & the Fascist Fucks @Fox

  Trump and the Fascist Fucks @Fox have been lying to us for quite some time now regarding the CCP Virus threat. John Oliver discussed this matter on his show, Last Week Tonight. The syphilitic goat fuckers at the Fox Propaganda Network downplayed the severity of the CCP Virus even as they themselves were taking measures to curb the virus's spread within their ranks. Here's the video from John Oliver's show.

  To make matters worse, a new study provides statistical evidence that Sean Hannity's show may have contributed to the spread of the virus. Despite their deliberate lies and disinformation, they haven't been held accountable for their actions. Now, with the number of cases and the death count rising, these huffers of the fermented shit pile that is Donald J. Trump are trying to say that they've been taking the pandemic seriously this whole time.
  Adding to this are statements from our 'very stable genius' of a President that doctors should consider using UV light or injecting disinfectants into the body in order to kill the CCP Virus. This is, of course, extremely stupid advice. But what can you expect from someone that suggested using a nuclear bomb as a means to stop a hurricane? He also suggested using the drug, hydroxychloroquine, to treat patients despite the lack of evidence that it works.
  Many of Trump's followers have been protesting against the quarantine. These brain dead 'lovers of freedom' give no thought to the fact that their actions could be spreading the virus even more thus necessitating a longer quarantine. Here's my suggestion to both Trump and his followers; inject yourselves with a syringe full of disinfectant, shove a UV light up your collective asses and shut the fuck up. 'Nuff said!!

Monday, April 20, 2020

A Question of Accountability

  As the CCP Virus pandemic continues, some people are protesting the shutdown of the country. They have been fueled by the bullshit being spewed by the moronic fuckwads @Fox, our fermented shit pile of a president (see my last post) and by another bloviating right wing fuckwad, Sheriff David Clarke. These people are convinced that the CCP Virus is a hoax. They're gathering together in large groups and protesting. Personally, I hope they suffer the same fate as Karen Kolb Sehlke (see last post). This toxic waste of humanity needs to be wiped from the face of the Earth. The benefit of their removal from this Earth will be the significant increase in the average IQ of this country.
  It's my sincere hope that some of these people are infected. Then it will spread among these idiots and give them the bitch slap they so richly deserve. It is also my sincere hope that the bloviating right wing fuckwads responsible for spreading the lies regarding the CCP Virus get sued and/or arrested for stirring these morons up. They need to be held accountable for their actions.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bloviating Right Wing Fuckwads

  It turns out that the Chinese Communist Party isn't the only ones to blame for the rapid spread of the CCP Virus. Trump and the Fascist Fucks @Fox have been telling people until recently that Covid-19 was nothing to worry about. Here are a few YouTube videos detailing their stupidity.

  People actually listen to these bloviating right wing fuckwads and believe the diarrhea spewing out of their mouths. One such person was Karen Kolb Sehlke. This right wing, gun loving, Trump junkie bought into the right wing narrative that the CCP Virus was little more than a left wing plot to destroy the economy in order to undermine our orange skinned Dipshit in Chief's chances of being reelected. She posted her little rant on Facebook on March 14th. On April 2nd, she died when Covid-19 led to kidney failure and septic shock.
  While some people might have sympathy for her and her family, I do not. Her willful ignorance and stupidity led to her death. Instead of getting the facts, she chose to listen to incompetent, right wing media propaganda monkeys that have their collective heads buried so far up their collective asses that the smell of their rancid shit has killed what few functioning brain cells they have left. She got cocky then she got bitch slapped. Her family initially reported her as testing positive for Covid-19 on their GoFundMe page but later changed it probably to cover up the ironic nature of her death.
  Sadly, her ignorance and stupidity are shared by many more people in the world. The latest CCP Virus conspiracy theory states that the 5G network being set up around the world is the cause of the pandemic. These idiots believe that the radiation from 5G cell towers weakens the immune system making us more susceptible to the virus. Cell towers in Great Britain have been torched by brain dead conspiracy nuts that think they're saving humanity. A thorough debunking of this particular conspiracy theory has been provided below.

  With this many truly stupid, gullible and willfully ignorant people in this world, I'm surprised I have any faith in my fellow human beings. If we're the divine creation of some deity, that deity needs to have its head examined.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Chinese Communist Party Coronavirus World Tour 2020

  The coronavirus is still wrecking havoc on the planet. Restaurants in the area are doing drive thru and carry out only. The credit union is conducting business only via online and drive up banking. The  local Marcus Theatre is on intermission for the time being. At work, the salad and hot bars are shut down and there will be no hot soup until further notice. The deli and store itself are closing two hours earlier than normal during the quarantine.
  Now, lest we forget, we have the Chinese Communist Party to thank for all this shit. I covered this to a degree in my last blog post. What I want to post here are a series of YouTube videos detailing the origins of Covid-19 and the incompetent response by the CCP and WHO as well as the CCP's attempts to spin doctor things to make themselves look good.
  The first video details the origins of the virus.

  What did the Chinese Communist Party do when Covid-19 first appeared? They covered it up of course. Here's the video.

  Then the CCP started looking for someone to blame in addition to silencing anyone spreading news outside of China regarding the spread of the virus.

  The CCP's response to Covid-19 has basically been Mao style heavy handed authoritarianism. Here's the next video.
  Also responsible for the spread of Covid-19 is the World Health Organization because many members of the WHO are little more than corrupt lackeys of the CCP as detailed in the following video.

As Covid-19 continues to spread, the CCP becomes even more heavy handed with its authoritarianism. Check out the video.
  To make matters even worse, Chinese pig farms are feeding Colistin, the most powerful antibiotic we possess, to their pigs so they can better survive the poorly regulated factory farms they have in China. Antibiotics have been overused for some time now by many countries which has led to them becoming less effective as antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and viruses come into being. Check out the information in this video.

  If you want to get an idea as to how the outbreak should have been handled, take a look at this video regarding Taiwan's response to Covid-19. They handled the matter in a manner FAR superior to the botched, authoritarian way the Chinese Communist Party handled things.

  Of course, the CCP wants the world to believe that they're doing a wonderful job handling the outbreak. They've manipulated the WHO and a variety of news outlets into spreading news about their glorious handling of things and how the CCP has saved the world from Covid-19. The next video further highlights the CCP's authoritarian crackdown on the Chinese people while the two after that demonstrate how the CCP spin doctors the news to make themselves look good while silencing critics by saying that they're being racist.

  So there you have it. The Chinese Communist Party completely fucked up their response to the Covid-19 outbreak by covering it up, arresting and silencing anyone in China that tried to get news of the outbreak disseminated. The CCP then resorted to Mao style crackdowns on the population in order to control the virus. They've spin doctored events by turning the WHO into a bunch of corrupt lackeys and deceiving media outlets into propagating their propaganda. Anyone criticizing the CCP is labeled racist and they're trying their damnedest to either blame America for Covid-19 or claim that its origin is unknown. The truth is Covid-19 originated in a wet market in Wuhan, China. The world needs to stop buying the CCP's bullshit and call them out on their incompetence in handling the matter.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

100 Seconds to Midnight, Coronavirus & Impeachment

  Well it's official, the Doomsday Clock is the closest to midnight it's been since the clock was first created. Right now we're 100 seconds to midnight. This is largely due to climate and nuclear war. And who do we have to thank for, at least, some of that? Our Cheeto haired shit stain of a president and the feckless cunts that make up the GOP.
  Trump's impeachment trial ended with him being acquitted. The obsequious sycophants that comprise the GOP voted to have no new evidence or witnesses at the trial and Trump himself ordered his staff to ignore subpoenas. They've basically given Trump carte blanche to do whatever the fuck he feels like for the rest of his term in office. His reign of terror has just begun. The GOP has become little more than pussy whipped gimps answering to his beck and call.
  The coronavirus unleashed in China is wrecking havoc. The Chinese Communist Party spent seven months covering up news about the virus instead of taking steps to contain it. They silenced doctors in Wuhan and arrested critics of their efforts to contain the virus. The death toll has now exceeded that of the SARS outbreak of 2003. How long it will take to contain the coronavirus and bring an end to outbreak is unknown at this time.