Monday, November 23, 2020

Right Wing Evangelical Contards

   For some time now, conservatives have used the term libtard, a portmanteau of the words liberal and retard, to denigrate those on the Left. To the best of my knowledge, the opposite term, contard, has never been used or used extremely infrequently. We liberals need to use this term more often. Especially now given the shit some of these contards are trying to pull.

  That brings us to the subject of this post, the right wing evangelical contard. Ever since Biden and Harris have been declared the winners of this year's election, they've been losing their collective minds. They've been praying for God to strike down those people conspiring against Trump. They can't believe that the majority of the people don't regard Trump as the second coming of Christ. Let's look at a few of these pricks. First up, Kenneth Copeland.

As you can clearly see here, Hyena Boy has a problem with reality. This religious con man thinks that he and his followers can just ignore what just happened. The joke's on you, pal. Whether you like it or not, Trump lost.
  Next up, we have Trump's spiritual advisor, Paula White. This cunt goes mental and starts ranting some cult like chant occasionally interspersed with gibberish calling upon angels and whatnot to strike down Trump's enemies.

  This member of the right wing lunatic fringe comes across as a female Jim Jones and we all know how well things went at Jonestown. Let's take a more detailed look at on stage mental meltdown.

  She acts like she has divine forces at her beck and call. She arrogantly believes that wherever she walks is holy ground. She's clearly delusional and/or a charlatan. And the scary part is people believe her and send her money.
  Third on the list is Michele Bachmann. This religious zealot used a member of the House of Representatives. How a woman this off the deep end got elected is beyond me. She's posted a cult like rant similar to Paula White calling upon God to smash the 'jar of delusion' effecting America. I'd be careful about that if I were her. God may interpret 'jar of delusion' as meaning the skull containing your brain and smash that. Here's the video.

  Copeland and White are little more than con artists. The reason they love Trump so much is that he caters to their needs. They get their followers to believe that Trump is the Chosen of God so they'll vote for him and he grants them influence in the federal government. They'll try to pass laws in the name of 'religious freedom' that basically give evangelicals the power to shove their religious views down everyone else's throats. They want to be able to get political from the pulpit without sacrificing their tax exempt status. They don't give a shit about anybody else not even their own followers. Bachmann, on the other hand, is little more than a religious dupe. She's far too stupid to realize that people like Copeland and White are just power hungry, money grubbing grifters. She's like the blind little sheeples following these grifters. That's what makes her, and people like her, dangerous. They believe the verbal diarrhea being spewed by the grifters. They believe it with all their heart and soul. And some of them may decide to act on said beliefs. What violence will come from that? 
  This last video includes some footage from the previous videos as well as footage of other preachers going batshit crazy over Trump's loss. While it's amusing to watch their stupidity, just remember that there are a lot of these people in America and they're just stupid enough to tear this nation apart.

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