Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Marijuana Laws

In the last election, two states, Washington and Colorado, legalized the possession of up to an ounce of marijuana for recreational use. Since this conflicts with federal law, it remains to be seen if it stays in force or gets overturned. Now, from what I know, marijuana isn't that dangerous a drug. I take it to be on the same level as alcohol. Since alcohol is legal, I see no reason why marijuana shouldn't be legal as well. Other drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth and such are far more dangerous both physically and psychologically and should remain illegal. If it hasn't been done already, a comprehensive study should be done on marijuana. We need to know if it has legitimate medical uses or not. We also need to know about any and all detrimental effects it has on the human body.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Taboo Zentai Segment

  Here's the Taboo zentai segment from the National Geographics channel.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Getting Old

At 4:42pm CST today, I officially turned 51. I'm officially an old fuck. I didn't do much today. I whipped up a triple batch of Mudder's Milk using the recipe I downloaded from the Serenity movie web site a few years back. Serenity is a great movie that came out of the great TV series, Firefly. I highly recommend watching them both. The entire Firefly series and Serenity are available on DVD. The two new zentai and hood I ordered arrived today. Their arrival was delayed a bit due to the order being missent. Tomorrow, I'm going to go see the new Bond movie, Skyfall, and dine at the Hibachi Grill.