Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Republican Rebranding

The Republican Party is looking to change its image. They want to make themselves more appealing to minorities, women, young people etc.. Are they fucking kidding us? The party of homophobes, misogynists, anti-science, anti-education, racist, gun nut, religious zealots wants to appeal to more people? This is the party of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Offer these assholes enough money and they will bend over backwards to suck your cock. Why do you think the gun regulation bill got shot down? The NRA stuck out its cash laden cock and they couldn't suck it fast or hard enough. If the GOP wants to make itself more appealing to a greater portion of the population, here's how they can do it. Disband. It's that simple. Pack up your bags, gather together your propaganda machine and get the fuck out. You clearly don't give a rat's ass about what the people want. You're too busy spreading your lies among your ignorant followers. If this country is to get ahead, you have to go. It's that simple.