Sunday, June 7, 2015

More Hypocritical Bullshit from the Duggars

  Megyn Kelly used a soft touch approach in her recent interview with the Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar. In this interview, the Duggars repeatedly downplayed their son Josh's sexual molestation by calling it "improper touching". And apparently this sort of touching happens quite frequently among their little cult of Christian fucktards. It makes me wonder whether Christianity attracts pedophiles to its ranks or turns its followers into pedophiles. I give credit to Megyn Kelly for calling the Duggars on their hypocrisy.
  In regards to the seemingly rampant sexual molestation going on among the Duggars' cult, it seems that Bill Gothard, a fellow cultist has more than a few sexual harassment charges against him. This narcissistic, egomaniacal twit likens himself to Jesus as he tries to downplay his fondling of female staff members. In typical Christian cult fashion, he blames the victims claiming that he was their "spiritual father" and that when he turned his attention to someone else, some women became jealous.  This self righteous dipshit has a very high opinion of himself. It should be noted that this molester published a training manual on how to counsel victims of sexual abuse. In typical religious fashion, such counseling involves finding ways to blame the victim for being abused. According to the manual, a woman could invite sexual abuse because she "defrauded" a man by dressing or acting in a way that stirs up lustful thoughts in a man. Even tossing her hair could theoretically result in her defrauding a man into sexually assaulting her. This blame the victim bullshit has got to stop. These cultist morons need to put the blame exactly where it belongs, on the person that committed the assault. It's shit like this that demonstrates how religious indoctrination fucks up people's minds and shuts down reason. Yet another reason why religion is bad for humanity.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Megyn Kelly: Typical Fox Propaganda Monkey

Megyn Kelly looks like she's going to obey her corporate masters at Fox and softball the Duggar interview coming up on the Kelly Files. As per their standard format, the Fascist Fucks at Fox are going to lick the shit out of the Duggars' collective ass cracks and try to bury the heinous nature of Josh Duggar's molestation of five girls back when he was a teen. They're doing this because the Duggars are staunch, homosexual hating, right wing, religious zealot conservatives. Until he resigned, Josh was a part of the Family Research Council, a right wing religious organization dedicated to shoving their religious views down everyone's throats in the name of "decency". These people are fucking hypocrites of the highest order. There isn't a nanogram of decency among them.