Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fox News: Peddlers of Misinformation

  A recent study reported on by the Daily Kos, makes it clear what I've known for quite some time. Watching Fox News makes you stupid. What else did you expect from lying, fascist, propaganda monkeys? These misogynistic, homophobic, racist, sexist, hemorroids on the ass of society are only interested in spreading right wing lies and disinformation. They want their viewers to be ignorant and fearful because it makes them easier to manipulate. These fuckers needs to be culled from the rest of us and killed. 'Nuff said!

Terminal Virginitis

  I'm going to be a virgin my whole fucking life. Not by choice, mind you, but because women find me utterly, wholly and completely repellent. I'm not at the bottom of sexual desirability totem pole, I'm several miles beneath it. I'd have to put in considerable effort if I want to move up to the lofty score of zero. It makes me wish that I could excise all the sexual thoughts, urges and fetishes from my brain. All they do is remind me of things I'll never have or experience like an intimate relationship, kinky sex or even vanilla sex for that matter. Not that I deserve any of that being the worthless piece of shit that I am. I'd be better off as a sexless, lobotomized freak. Odds are I'd be happier or at least so brain dead I'd no longer care. Hell, I'm already part way there because like about half the men my age, I suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction. My cock just isn't what it used to be. But since I'm never going to have sexual relations with a woman, it hardly fucking matters. It could shrivel up and fall off and my sex life would go from virtually nonexistent to simply nonexistent.