Friday, July 31, 2015

Gen Con Day 1

  After a six year hiatus, I finally made it back to Gen Con. The first day went well. I played in two events, Vampire and D&D 3.5. The Vampire event was fun. I played Anton Wilson, Giovanni private investigator. My companions consisted of a Brujah "elder", a Nosferatu, a homicidal Malkavian, a Gangrel and a Lasombra antitribu. We had to figure out who was killing off the elders in the town of Promontory Bay. It turned out that the culprit was an Assamite antitribu named Domingo Salazar that had become addicted to Kindred vitae. He was part of a Sabbat Black Hand pack that had been trying to figure out why there were so many elders in Promontory Bay. Domingo's killing spree was threatening the operation and his pack was trying to hunt him down. We ended up luring Domingo to the Brujah's haven where we were going to have the Gangrel, in bat form, plant a C4 charge under his car after he'd entered the haven. The rest of us were lying in wait to attack him and beat him into torpor. Unknown to the rest of us, the Brujah had rigged additional charges in his haven. The plan was to kill not only Domingo but the rest of the Black Hand pack as well. The plan was both a success and a failure. While we did destroy Domingo and his pack mates, the large amount of C4 we used coupled with the explosives in Domingo's car, blasted the crap out of a large area killing everyone in our group except the Gangrel and the Brujah. The Gangrel was spared because she was outside far enough away to avoid damage. The Brujah survived largely due to his low generation although he ended up in torpor.

  In the D&D session, I played Uki, a female half orc barbarian. She was part of a party consisting of 3 wizards, two human, one eleven, a paladin and a cleric. We were charged with rooting out a band of thieves that were stealing from travelers along a trade route. We succeeded in taking out the bandits. I got to keep Uki's write up and I'll adding her to my NPC roster.