Saturday, December 3, 2022

Myriad Bits of Random Shit

   Things have been a bit crappy health wise. I have a minor sore spot on my lower right leg just above the ankle. I told my primary doctor about it, and she set up an ultrasound. The lab tech did the ultrasound on my right leg and, for reference purposes, took some readings on my left leg. The results revealed that I had blood clots behind my right knee and more clots in the upper left groin area. Because of this, I'm now taking Eliquis, a blood thinner. The padding in my knees is largely gone and there's now some measure of bone-on-bone action going on. I've received three injections into each knee of a substance made from rooster combs. Whether or not I'll need to have one or both knees replaced has yet to be determined.

  My Dad ended up in the hospital because he was having a hard time urinating. About a liter of urine was backed up in his system and this put stress on his kidneys that led to an infection. He was transported to the hospital and spent time in the ICU. He's currently in a nursing home recuperating. Hopefully, he'll be home soon. 

  The Kickstarters I'm backing are progressing slowly. The Crit Effect and Fright Effect dice have arrived at the seller's location. I've got some new Kickstarters slowly moving towards completion. This includes the Cthulhu Mythos TarotCrossroads InnWastelands SagaWhen the Wolf ComesSatanic PanicFlipDiceStokerverseGame Space and Paranoia the Perfect Edition. The two Cthulhu Wars Kickstarters are getting closer to completion. Once The Game Steward gets their Kickstarter orders, I'll be getting my Cthulhu Wars orders. Petersen Games has added The Dunwich Horror expansion to their Cthulhu Wars expansions. They're being made along with the other Kickstarters. I contacted Petersen Games and found out that they'll be selling some of these expansions via their website as soon as they become available. Here's a video of the expansion.

  I'm really looking forward to getting The Dunwich Horror and my Cthulhu Wars orders. Once I get them, I'll have pretty much everything Cthulhu Wars related. Only a few minor upgrades remain unpurchased.
  Thanksgiving and SatursGiving were a bust. We didn't make a turkey on Thanksgiving because Dad was in the hospital, and I couldn't go to SatursGiving because I had to work. I'm hoping that I'll get New Year's Eve and New Year's Day off so I can play boardgames with my friends.