Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Cult of the Gun

  The leadership of the NRA is little more than a gun worshipping cult that regards everyone as blood sacrifices on their altar. They, and their alt-right media fascist propaganda monkeys, have resorted to mocking David Hogg and the other Parkland survivors instead of objectively reporting the news or engaging in reasoned debate. Fox News' simpleminded bigot, Laura Ingraham, enjoyed a much needed bitch slap as her show has lost advertisers because of her unwarranted attacks on David Hogg. Even her pathetic excuse of an apology hasn't stopped advertisers from leaving.
  Then there's alt-right conspiracy nut job Josh Bernstein who put forth the theory that David Hogg was "affiliated in some way with Nikolas Cruz" because he did real time interviews with his fellow students during the shooting. Of course, he provided no evidence beyond his gut feelings to support his asinine claim. Sadly this idiot, like Fox News, has a following of brain dead gullible morons that buy into their smear campaigns.
  Because of the Dickey Amendment, the CDC doesn't do any research on gun violence. And even though the Omnibus Budget recently signed into law by Trump grants the CDC the right to research gun violence, researchers doubt anything meaningful will become of it because they're afraid they'll lose funding if they pursue hot button questions about guns and gun violence. The Tiahrt Amendment also precludes gun trace data from being used in academic research of gun use in crime. The government has made gun records nigh impossible to trace by hobbling the ATF with an antiquated data system that's not searchable. And who can we thank for fucking us over like this? The gun worshipping cultists heading the NRA that's who.