Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stand Your Ground

The Stand Your Ground laws that exist in this country make it possible to kill another human being and get away with it. This has been made clear with the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman didn't just stand his ground, he hunted down, confronted and killed an unarmed teenager. He did this even though he was told by police not to. Now I don't know what evidence was presented by the prosecution or defense presented in this case, so I can't render a decision on whether or not his acquittal was the right thing to do. My problem with the Stand Your Ground law is that untrained people can end up in situations they're not equipped to handle. Think about it, even trained law enforcement officers and soldiers make mistakes in stressful situations. How much worse is it for someone without their training? In my opinion, Zimmerman should have waited for the police to arrive before confronting Trayvon. Things might have ended differently then.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy X-Day

Today is X-Day, the day when all SubGenii hope that the Rupture will occur. If everything works out according to "Bob's" plan, the saucers of the Sex Goddesses will arrive and all dues paying SubGenii will taken off this insignificant little dirtball and the Pinks, Glorps and Mediocretins will suffer the wrath of the Xists. If things don't work out, I'll be heading off to work, ekeing out my Slackless life as a wage slave to the Conspiracy. Whether via the Rupture or via death, at some point in time, I'll be delivered from this world and taken to the Final Punchline. Praise "Bob"!! Hail Connie!! Beware the Grin of NHGH!! Rev. Mike, SubGenius preacher, Jedi minister, Discordian and Pastafarian. Leader and sole member of the Fellowship of The Eternal Dobbs Pipe clench

Westboro Baptists

The Westboro Baptists are a group of hate mongering, inbred religious zealots led by Fred Phelps. These suckers of their nonexistent God's cock run around from place to place railing against homosexuals and anyone that supports homosexuals. Apparently they have nothing better to do than show the world how truly pathetic they are. Any deity that accepts them as worshipers is clearly a brain dead tyrant unfit to be worshipped. One of their more recent rants was against singer Taylor Swift for apparently encouraging her fans to fornicate. If you're looking for a group of people that shouldn't fuck Fred, look no further than you and your followers. The lot of you should be sterilized before you add any new members to your little group of inbred mutants. Heaven, Hell and Earth would all be better places without your lot. Do the world a favor, crawl back under that rock you came from and go back to licking the shit out of your nonexistent God's asshole.