Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Mundanity that is My Life

  My life, for the most part, as been dull normal with the emphasis on dull. On the plus side, dull normality means that nothing massively bad has happened. On the negative side, nothing really great has happened either.
  The avascular necrosis of my hips is bilateral and worse on the right. The orthopedic surgeon says that I'm going to need hip replacement surgery. The problem is my a1c is too high. I need to get it down from 8.5 to 7.0.
  I've backed several Kickstarter projects; the Tower of Holding, the Judge Dredd RPG, a set of zinc alloy gaming dice and a set of Randice random character creator dice. All the projects are fully funded and the first three have received their money and have started production. The Randice project still has 7 days to go. I'm hoping that they make their $13,641 goal so they'll throw in two extra dice. If nothing else, I hope the make their $7,105 goal so the dice will be engraved.