Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Body Count Rises and Pipe Bomb Mailing Trump Fan

  Robert Bowers: 11 dead, 6 injured.
  Gregory Alan Bush: 2 dead.
  More people dead and just like the Las Vegas massacre, nothing will be done. The NRA and the Fox Propaganda Network will do everything in their power to make these shootings go away. I'm getting real tired of these motherfuckers.
  On a different note, Cesar Sayoc, a rabid Trump supporter, has been accused of sending pipe bombs to prominent Democrats, liberals and the news media. The targets have been those regarded by Trump as his enemies. Trump's response and the response of other right wing shit mongers has been par for the course. With the exception of Vice President Pence, no one on the right has expressed concern for those targeted by the bombs. They're claiming the bombs are false flag attacks designed to swing the midterm elections in the Democrats favor. While Trump has done a generalized, perfunctory condemnation of the attacks, his tweets reveal his real thoughts. He's in favor of the violence so long as it serves his purpose and targets his enemies. We have to remember that this prick praised a congressman for assaulting a reporter as well as encouraging violence against protesters both while running for president and after he was elected. The only way Trump would denounce violence and mean it is if it were targeting him or his family. Even then he'd find some way to blame the Democrats for it. Trump and the right wing media call for unity while simultaneously riling up their bases with hate filled rhetoric then they wonder why the country is so divided. The Alt-Right is full of shit mongering fucktards and the GOP has nothing more than power mad maggots running it. The only voice of reason the GOP had among them, Sen. John McCain, has sadly passed away.