Saturday, December 30, 2017

End of the Year Musings

  2017 is almost over. This past Tuesday, I was diagnosed with avascular necrosis of my right hip. My doctor said she was going to have an orthopedist look at the CT scan in order to determine what should be done. In all likelihood, I'll need to get the joint replaced.
  Republicans have passed their tax reform bill which Trump signed into law. This is another example of the GOP shitting down our collective throats and calling it chocolate pudding. Trump has lied repeatedly claiming that he and the wealthy won't benefit from the bill. The reality is the wealthy and corporations will benefit from tax cuts that are permanent while tax cuts for the middle class will eventually end. The bill will also likely increase the national debt and lead to cuts in Medicare and Social Security. This is just another example of trickle down economics.
  While we're on the subject of Trump, I came across a list of things authoritative regimes do in order to take away people's civil rights and freedoms. I'll post the lists here so you can see that Trump is pulling this shit right here in America.