Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Right to Keep and Bear ARMS

Why do people think that the Second Amendment only applies to guns? It explicitly states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." According to the dictionary, one of the definitions of the word, arms, is "weapons collectively". When the Constitution was being written, firearm technology was rather primitive. The guns of the era could only fire once before needing to be reloaded. This meant that you had to have some backup weapon available in case you either couldn't reload in time or your gun failed to fire at all. When you look at the Second Amendment correctly, it gives you the right to bear arms other than those of the firearm variety. Now obviously, some common sense must be used here. Certain weapons should only be used by trained military and/or police personnel. But I do believe that the average citizen has the right to carry a weapon for the purpose of self defense. The problem is doing so could get you in trouble with the police. Somehow I don't think quoting the Second Amendment to them will help make your case to them.

Another Gun Related Tragedy

With the tragic killing of 28 people, including the shooter, the events at the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school are the latest in a string of mass killings that have occurred this year. It gets added to the list that includes the Aurora, Colorado theater slayings, the deaths at the Sikh Temple in Cudahy, the mall shootings in Oregon and the deaths at the Azana Salon and Spa in Milwaukee. We're racking up quite a grisly little total here, aren't we? Wonder what the Gun Lobby is going to say about this. They like to say that guns don't kill people, people kill people. True, but guns make it easier for people to kill people. It's a whole lot easier to kill many people quickly when you have sufficient firepower. Think about it. How easy would it be to kill a large group of people using a knife? Something needs to be done. The Gun Lobby has to realize that there's a problem here that needs to be addressed. They have to realize that some measure of compromise is necessary in order to keep guns out of the hands of disturbed individuals. Sadly, they view any attempt at regulation as the first step in taking guns away from everyone.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Secessionist Talk

Since Pres. Obama was reelected, the citizens of several states having been signing petitions seeking having their state secede from the union. These sore fucking losers can't stand the fact that their candidate lost. When Gore lost his presidential bid because the Supreme Court gave Florida to Bush after the dangling chad incident, we liberals were told to stop whining and accept the fact that Gore lost. Now these same self righteous bastards want to secede from the Union because they don't like Obama. Here's my answer to them. Leave. Pack up your shit, find a car, plane, train or boat and get the fuck out. You whiny assholes don't like the fact that not only did Romney lose, he lost by a wide margin and none of you can claim election fraud or point to any dangling chads. All that money those sanctimonious rich cocksuckers spent to try to buy the election. All the shit Republicans tried to pull to disenfranchise Democratic voters. Wasted. So now you whine, bitch, piss, moan and complain about how you want out. So go. Leave and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. The more of you that leave means that there'll be less of you voting in the next election. That means more Democrats will get elected to office and we'll finally get something done. Republicans have spent the last four years doing everything they can to make Obama a one term president. They were more interested in acquiring power than they were in helping get the economy back on track. That's why you lost.