Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Who's Reading this Blog?

  At this point in time, I've had 4,492 pageviews of my blog. However, since I started writing this blog, not one person has left a comment here or become a follower. I find it a bit unusual that no one out there has an opinion on any of the things I've ranted about. I'd have thought by now that at least one person would have spoken up even if it was just to tell me to go fuck myself. I don't know if the lack of comments is a good thing or a bad thing. I would like some idea as to the type of people that are reading my blog posts. Who are you? Drop me a line and let me know. I don't expect everyone to agree with my views and I know I must have pissed off a few people by now. A little feedback wouldn't hurt. Once again, this is the Right Rev. Mike, founder and sole member of the Fellowship of The Eternal Dobbs Pipe signing off.

The Soulmate Myth

  Some people believe that everyone in the world has a soulmate. That special someone that's ideally suited to them and is their perfect mate. This is complete and utter fucking bullshit. This is a myth perpetuated by dating sights and services in order to get your money. Don't get me wrong, some people do find that special someone and have truly happy and fulfilled lives with them. But to believe that EVERYONE has a soulmate is mind numbingly naive. The only guarantee in life is that you'll eventually die. Most people never find that special someone. They end up simply finding someone that they can tolerate and that will tolerate them and go on to have a fairly mediocre existence. Others, like me, just give up altogether and stop searching. What's the point? What is the motherfucking point? Why should I engage in a completely pointless and futile act that will only end in failure? If there was a point in my life when I was at my peak, it's long since past. Even at this so called peak I wasn't much. Now that I'm in the inexorable slide towards death, it doesn't make much sense to waste my remaining time here hoping to find some woman interested in spending time with me. If I'm pretty much going to be alone for the rest of my life, then so be it. Like I said before, I've done plenty of things alone.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

More Shit Spewing from Conservatives: Updated

  During the Super Bowl, Coca Cola aired a commercial of people singing America the Beautiful with some of the lyrics being sung in foreign languages. Naturally, this upset some dumbass, racist, homophobic jerk off motherfucking conservatives like Rush Limbaugh. How dare Coca Cola preach unity and tolerance! That goes against everything these conservative dick breaths stand for. They forget the fact that America is a nation composed almost entirely of immigrants. One of the sayings of this country is "E Pluribus Unum" (Out of many, one.). This article sums up some of the reasons why these assholes have their collective bowels in an uproar. After you've read that article, check out this brilliant response by anchorwoman Brenda Wood.