Sunday, October 27, 2013

Indulging Myself

  I'm a responsible person for the most part. I make sure my bills get paid. I'm slowly getting rid of my credit card debt and I try to put up the shit life throws at me. However, every once in a while, I need to indulge myself. I need to do something for me. Without these indulgences, my life would become intolerable. My past indulgences include my Scottish claymore, my kilts and my zentais. None of these were necessities. They simply were things I wanted because I wanted them. My latest indulgence is the purchase of a SDCC Torchwood: Miracle Day Soulless mask. This mask set me back $199.00 but it was worth it. I'll post a video of me wearing it when it arrives. The mask is my birthday gift to me. Here are some pics of me wearing my red zentai and Soulless mask.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The GOP is at it again

  Recently, the GOP changed the rules of the House so that only Rep. Eric Cantor or someone he designates, can call for the government to be reopened. Under the original rules, anyone could do this. Here's the video.

GOP Rule Change

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Enslaver (A Short Story)

  This is a short story I wrote for a contest set up by Nicole Kendall on DeviantArt. The setting is the Sweet Gwendoline world created by John Willie. Artist Osvaldo Greco has continued in this tradition with his Perils of Gwendoline comics posted on DeviantArt. The above pic of Helena Petrovka was drawn by him as my prize for winning Nicole's contest.

  Helena Petrovka was one of the leading chemists at DeVyoc Pharmaceuticals. She was, however, underappreciated. Other, lesser minds, were getting credit for their inferior work while she toiled on some of the most cutting edge research in the industry. The main reason for her being treated this way was her views regarding human testing of the new drugs created. She had no qualms about testing potentially dangerous drugs on humans before more was known about possible side effects.
  She was on the verge of being fired when she made an accidental discovery. In her research on drugs for treating mental disorders, she created a drug that made women highly suggestible. She promptly tested the drug on Nicole, her lab assistant and found that she could be programmed to become her sweet little rubber slave. Unfortunately, the effects would start to wear off after a few days and so she had to keep Nicole on the drug in order to maintain control.
  She had a major breakthrough about six weeks later while examining some earlier research regarding the treatment of people with severe phobias. The brains of these people had essentially hardwired links between a particular traumatic incident and some element involved in that incident. Whenever the person encountered that element, said link would trigger the fear reaction. Her new drug, Enslavinol-17, formed those same neurochemical links in the brains of her test subject. She just had to find a way to make them permanent.
  Helena proceeded to use Enslavinol-17 on the women at DeVyoc Pharmaceuticals in order to get greater funding and a larger, all female, staff. With the greater resources at her disposal and an enslaved staff, she was able to create a second drug, Permanendiox HCl that made the neurochemical links formed by Enslavinol-17 permanent. She promptly instituted the creation of an indoctrination plan to form an army of drug enslaved women. Poor Nicole became Mistress Helena's permanently gagged and rubber encased sex doll.
  With her new resources, she opened up a bunch of women only spas staffed by her loyal slaves. Women in the news media, government, industry and other positions of power were invited to try out the new spas. During the spa treatment, they were dosed with Enslavinol-17 and given subliminal instructions that were locked away in their minds. Once the subliminal instructions were implanted, Permanendiox HCl made sure they didn't fade away. These women became her secret minions. They were the ones that would work to fulfill her agenda discreetly.
  She then went about creating her rubber encased female slave army. The women would serve as her security force, house staff and personal sex slaves. These women were programmed with combat techniques as well as any other skills needed for the position they were filling. These women were also turned into serious fetishists that enjoyed being fully encased in skintight latex suits, being gagged virtually all the time, intense bondage and an undying loyalty to their Mistress. Helena even created a special language for her slaves that she called Mmmphian that allowed her slaves to communicate with each other even when heavily gagged.
  Mistress Helena's plans might have succeeded but for one thing. Her sudden rise in status had brought her to the attention of U-89 and her organization. U-89 used her network of contacts to uncover the existence of Enslavinol-17 and Permanendiox HCl and her plans for secretly expanding her influence until she had a presence in nearly every power structure. U-89 managed to secure samples of both drugs and had the lab techs create a drug that blocked the effects of Enslavinol-17. After giving this drug to herself and a cadre of elite female spies, Mistress Petrovka's compound in the Caribbean was raided and she was captured. She currently resides in Cell 43 in U-89's underground prison.
                                           The End

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Orwellian Zebra Queef Republicans

The ass rapers of the GOP are at it again. These lickers of syphilitic goat taint are denying that they're the ones responsible for the government shutdown despite the fact that 80 of them signed a document stating that they'd do just that if Obamacare wasn't defunded. They're whining on the House floor about how people are being inconvenienced because the panda cam is down and the national parks are closed. Their concern, however, doesn't extend to the poor that are adversely affected by the shutdown. They couldn't care less about them. WIC has been affected by the shutdown, but they show no concern about that. They're way too busy cutting the poor's access to food stamps. It's hard to imagine a group more adept at the Orwellian concepts of doublethink, blackwhite and duckspeak except for the Fox Propaganda Network a.k.a. the Ministry of Truth.

The NHGH's of Life Part 2

I swear sometimes it's like the universe gets off on fucking with me. Work's been shit the past few days. I'm getting so fucking tired of the shit I have to put up with there. The schedule changes at work have me there later in the evening. Most of the time that's not much of a problem but on Saturdays it cuts into my gaming time. By the time I get to the session, more than half of it's over. I won a ticket to the upcoming Oct. 3rd Gwar concert but I can't go due to both having to work and a general lack of money because of my fucked up financial situation. My Outback failed the emissions test necessitating repairs costing about $1,200.00. NHGH just keeps nailing me with that shit eating grin of his and the random factors align in a negative permutation. When will things improve? No matter how much money goes to paying off my credit card debts, the rate at which they're decreasing seems minimal at best. I can't go anywhere or do anything because the money's just not there. I'm frustrated and pissed off more than I'd like to be. I don't need this in my life.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fucking Maggot Tea Party Republicans

Once again, a bunch of intransigent, dumb fuck Tea Party Republicans have shut down the government. This time it's over the Affordable Care Act. The Republicans have been trying for some time to defund the program. But in typical Republican fashion, they offer nothing to replace it. What really annoys me about these stupid, vicious, uncaring cocksuckers is that while a lot of people are being furloughed because of the shutdown, they're still getting paid. And while they're trying to deny insurance coverage to the average American, they get a Cadillac insurance plan for life. These retarded maggots benefit while the rest of us suffer. I say we start docking their pay and insurance benefits. Say 5% per day. That means that after 20 days, they don't get paid and have no insurance. After that, not only do they not get paid, they have to start paying. Their bank accounts should drained by 5% of the total amount each day. Everything they have should be up for grabs, stocks, bonds, property etc. Once these greedy, corporate ass crack licking, lackeys to their rich overlords start suffering like the rest of us, maybe they'll finally get off their dead fucking asses and do something for a change. Those insouciant right wing verbal diarrhea spewers over at the Fox Propaganda Network are, of course, downplaying the shutdown because it doesn't affect them. It only affects the poor people they so despise. The Republicans want to turn this country into Czarist Russia with the rich at the top along with their government and media lackeys and the rest of us reduced to serf status. We know how well that went for the czars, don't we? These Tea Party Republicans want to keep the rest of us ignorant. They want to lick the shit out of the ass cracks of the rich and fuck the rest of us in our collective asses with razor wire dildos. As long as we're kept ignorant and compliant, we'll get our asses collectively reamed by them. The Tea Party needs to die an ignominious, protracted, painful and humiliating death. Their collective stupidity is ruining this great nation. Please, please, PLEASE go the fuck away.