Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fucking Maggot Tea Party Republicans

Once again, a bunch of intransigent, dumb fuck Tea Party Republicans have shut down the government. This time it's over the Affordable Care Act. The Republicans have been trying for some time to defund the program. But in typical Republican fashion, they offer nothing to replace it. What really annoys me about these stupid, vicious, uncaring cocksuckers is that while a lot of people are being furloughed because of the shutdown, they're still getting paid. And while they're trying to deny insurance coverage to the average American, they get a Cadillac insurance plan for life. These retarded maggots benefit while the rest of us suffer. I say we start docking their pay and insurance benefits. Say 5% per day. That means that after 20 days, they don't get paid and have no insurance. After that, not only do they not get paid, they have to start paying. Their bank accounts should drained by 5% of the total amount each day. Everything they have should be up for grabs, stocks, bonds, property etc. Once these greedy, corporate ass crack licking, lackeys to their rich overlords start suffering like the rest of us, maybe they'll finally get off their dead fucking asses and do something for a change. Those insouciant right wing verbal diarrhea spewers over at the Fox Propaganda Network are, of course, downplaying the shutdown because it doesn't affect them. It only affects the poor people they so despise. The Republicans want to turn this country into Czarist Russia with the rich at the top along with their government and media lackeys and the rest of us reduced to serf status. We know how well that went for the czars, don't we? These Tea Party Republicans want to keep the rest of us ignorant. They want to lick the shit out of the ass cracks of the rich and fuck the rest of us in our collective asses with razor wire dildos. As long as we're kept ignorant and compliant, we'll get our asses collectively reamed by them. The Tea Party needs to die an ignominious, protracted, painful and humiliating death. Their collective stupidity is ruining this great nation. Please, please, PLEASE go the fuck away.

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