Thursday, August 28, 2014

Colonoscopy: The Results Show

  Dr. Hernandez called me at work with the results of my colonoscopy. It seems that the polyp that was partially removed was in a precancerous state. Fortunately, it was discovered before it became a major issue. He recommends that I get a CAT scan and then some surgery to remove what's left of it. He'll most likely called sometime in the near future to make the appointment.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


  This past Monday I had my first colonoscopy. Yup, I had a camera up my ass. Overall, the process wasn't that bad. Whatever sedative they gave me zonked me out to the point where I have no memory at all of the procedure. I remember being wheeled into the room where it was going to take place. Then they attached various monitoring devices and administered the sedative. After that, nothing until I was in the recovery room. Two polyps were found. One was completely removed. The other was partially removed. The results are expected to come in the mail in about 10 days. The least pleasant part of the whole thing was drinking the MoviPrep. Despite smelling somewhat like citrus, its taste left much to be desired. I had to drink two batches of this stuff at 3:00 and 7:00pm this past Sunday. Each batch was drunk in four stages over the hour in question. Then I spent all kinds of time running to the bathroom in order to clear out my bowels. In all likelihood, I'll have to repeat this process in about 3 months in order to deal with what remains of the one polyp.