Monday, November 6, 2017

Yet Another Mass Shooting

  Devin Patrick Kelley, 26 dead, 20 wounded.
  The list of mass shooting victims has grown again. And like every time before, the GOP, NRA and the Fascist Fucks at the Fox Propaganda Network will say that we shouldn't politicize these killings or engage in any kind of meaningful discussion on how to stem the tide of gun violence in America. Of course, the Fascists Fucks at Fox and Golden Shower Boy Trump were very quick to politicize the New York City terror attack that occurred recently. The reason was simple, the New York City attack was committed by a Muslim. The Sutherland attack was committed by a white guy. Both were calling for the end of the Diversity Immigrant Visas program. It's my opinion that the NRA wants the mass shootings to continue because it serves their agenda. They don't give a flying fuck about the victims. They're just "acceptable losses" in their never ending campaign for money and power. They want the population to be scared because scared people are more likely to buy guns which serves the NRA's masters, the gun manufacturers, just fine. The NRA has bought off the GOP for two reasons; to make sure that no form of meaningful gun control legislation ever gets passed and to make easy as possible to get a gun. More states are allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit. 26 states will let you carry a concealed handgun without requiring that you even know how to use one. Think about that for a moment. In order for me to operate a motor vehicle, I have to pass a written exam and  a driving test. I have to prove that I'm competent to drive a car. But in 26 states, I can carry a concealed gun even though I have no training in how to properly handle a firearm. We're talking accidents waiting to happen here. Of course, the NRA and the GOP don't give a flying fuck about that. On a related note, although the NRA was apparently in favor of regulating bump stocks, nothing has happened. Nothing that is except for their sales spiking. Looks like the gun manufacturers win again.