Thursday, September 26, 2013

Still missing you, Bro.

Yesterday marks the third anniversary of my brother Scott's passing. He passed away quietly in his sleep. The day before, we played D&D over at his place. His health hadn't been good. He was tired a lot. He broke away from the session early. When the night's gaming ended, as I was hauling my stuff to my car, he was watching the WWE. The last words he said to me were "See you later, Bro.". I had the next day off so I was in bed when my other brother, Jeff, opened my bedroom door and gave me the news that Scott had passed away. He drove me over to Scott's place. Mom and Dad were already there. Dawn, Scott's wife, called them after she called the ambulance. My last image of him was of him lying peacefully on his bed. He had asked that no one cry over his passing. I couldn't keep that promise. I missed him then. I still miss him now. Wherever you are, Bro, know that I still love you. Mike