Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Healthcare Update & Other News

  My 2020 application for health care has been completed and I'm going to have health and dental coverage starting in January. I had to call the ACA information number in order to complete the application. It turns out that I made several mistakes on it which led to me ending up with really high monthly premiums. When everything was corrected, I ended up with a hefty tax credit to help pay the premiums. It was also recommended that I go with a silver policy for maximum benefit. The policy isn't perfect. While all my doctors are covered under the policy, my Lantus pens aren't. When I'm able to sign up for insurance through work next November, I have to contact the government so they can cancel the ACA policies.
  My eDice unit has arrived. I charged it up and tested it out. It works fine. The tracking numbers for the Randice expansion set are available. I have to contact them and get my number. I'm backing two more Kickstarters, the Better Backstories deck and GoDice. The Better Backstories deck aids DMs and players in creating backstories for characters. Other functions are being added to the deck as various stretch goals get reached. The GoDice are a set of six d6 that have sensors in them. Included with the GoDice is an IOS or Android app. This app allows the GoDice to connect with your phone or tablet via Bluetooth and play games. At the tier I pledged, I also get an RPG app and six shells that convert the GoDice into RPG gaming dice. Three of the shells have 24 sides and convert the GoDice into a d4, d8 and d12. Three 20 sided shells convert GoDice into a d10, d% and d20.