Thursday, January 21, 2021

Trump's Idiotic Reign has Ended and Other Things

   At 11:00am CST, Dipshit Donnie's term as President came to an ignominious end with the swearing in of Joe Biden as President. Finally, after 4 long, painful years, sanity has returned to the White House. The Great Orange Asshole didn't attend the Inauguration which was a definite plus. Former VP Pence was in attendance. Thankfully, no violence occurred despite there being rumblings of protests being held at all the state capitols by the MAGA maggots.

  Trump's second impeachment trial should be gearing up soon. While I REALLY want him to be convicted, that outcome seems unlikely. I don't think enough Republicans will vote to convict him. Most are too spineless and corrupt to do what's necessary. On a more optimistic note, now that Trump no longer has Presidential immunities, a legal shit storm is heading his way. The southern district of New York, among others, is pursuing legal action against Trump over various state and federal crimes. Other members of the Trumps clan, like Ivanka and Jared Kushner, are also involved in these allegations.

  Turning to the personal side of things, time is slowly creeping towards my hip replacement surgery. I ran into a bit of a problem when the doctor's office called and informed me that my health insurance terminated on Dec. 31st. I called Anthem and found out that my Member ID and Group number for my insurance had changed on Jan 1st. but my new insurance card hadn't been mailed yet. Until the new card arrives in the mail, Anthem securely emailed me a card to print out with the new information on it.

  My test results have indicated that my creatinine level has gone up past 2. This isn't good. My nephrologist says that this might be the result of an enlarged prostate preventing my bladder from fully draining. I'm going to have an ultrasound done to see if that's the case. He also said that I should try to stay hydrated, cut down on my caffeine intake and temporarily stop taking my lisinopril/HCTZ tablets. I can't let my creatinine level get too high or they'll cancel my surgery. I'm going to be heading over to the Aurora clinic later today for some lab tests.

  I used the second stimulus check money to catch up on some bills. My paychecks lately have been bigger. I splurged recently and bought some supplements for the Judge Dredd and the Worlds of 2000 AD RPG. The first two, Strontium Dog and Rogue Trooper arrived Tuesday. The last one, The Day the Law Died, won't be coming for a while due to pandemic restrictions. I'm contemplating getting a copy of Cyberpunk Red.

  The Hexacube Kickstarter is showing progress. The new company hired to make the dice has produced some samples that look like they'll be up to standards. The seller has to receive said samples for testing. I've backed an unusual roleplaying game, Dungeon Bitches. This Kickstarter was funded fairly quickly so the game's going to get published. Four of the stretch goals have been funded. As of this writing, there are still 24 days left for the other 3 stretch goals to get funded. This game is a little outside my comfort zone. Being a heterosexual male, I don't know what it's like to live as a lesbian. You see, unlike Macho Women with Guns, Dungeon Bitches isn't geared towards humor. The rules make it clear that the PCs are living in a world that doesn't understand them and actively hates them in many instances. This games hits on subject matter that some might find disturbing in a manner similar to White Wolf's Charnel Houses of Europe: The Shoah supplement for Wraith: The Oblivion or Clockworks roleplaying game, Asylum. That being said, I want to add this game to my collection. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

2020 in Review

   2020 is over. Overall it's been a shit year. My financial situation hasn't been the greatest. The $600 stimulus check helped alleviate my financial woes somewhat. I had more health issues this year. As reported earlier, my gall bladder was removed in mid July. The hip replacement surgery that was to have happened Dec. 21st. was cancelled because the surgeon had some kind of emergency. It's been rescheduled for Feb. 8th. I want to get this done. I'm tired of waiting.

  There was no Gen Con or Ren Faire in 2020 because of the virus. Everything pretty much ground to a halt because of the virus. On the plus side, the election is over and Trump lost big time and the Democrats will control the House, Senate and the Presidency. Some measure of sanity has been restored. But the MAGA maggots still exist and will still cause trouble.

  I'm putting in 40 hours/week at work. My check covering Christmas was quite nice. I'm hoping the New Year's check is nice as well. The $2,000 stimulus checks are closer to becoming a reality now that the Democrats are in control. I could use $2,000 right now.

  The House is currently listening to Representatives regarding the objection to the Pennsylvania Electoral College vote. Now the House is voting regarding the objection. So far, all the Democrats have voted against the objection while most Republicans, at this point, have voted for it. The objection was just voted down by the House. The last states are now being certified. Certification is done. It's official. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are President elect and Vice President elect. 

Whiny, Petulant Contard Snowflakes Can't Accept That Trump Lost

   The MAGA maggots, in typical whiny snowflake fashion, are still trying to thwart the will of the people and keep Dipshit Donnie in office. They stormed the U.S. Capitol, resulting in a temporary shut down and suspension of the Electoral College certification by the House. These stupid motherfuckers think that they're patriots when they're nothing more than domestic terrorists whose brains have been compromised by Trump, Fox News, Breitbart, OAN and Qanon. As I write this, the House is voting regarding the objection to the Pennsylvania Electoral College votes being certified. Right now, it looks like the certification has been put on hold.

  The contards responsible for this need to be arrested and tried as seditionists. They must be held accountable for their actions. Some government officials are talking about invoking the 25th Amendment of the Constitution and bouncing Trump's massive orange ass out of the White House. The reality is this. Trump lost the election by a landslide, 232 to 306. That's the first nail in the coffin. Trump and his lawyers lost nearly all of his lawsuits regarding voter fraud. That's the second nail. The Electoral College cast their votes certifying the popular votes cast in each state. That's nail number three. There's only two nails left. The House has to certify the Electoral College vote and, on Jan. 20th, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris get inaugurated as President and Vice President of the United States. Once those last two nails are hammered home, Trump's coffin will be well and truly sealed.

  To add insult to injury, the GOP lost both elections in the Georgia Senate runoffs. That gives the Democrats control of the Senate because, although it's a 50/50 split between the parties, Vice President elect Harris has the deciding vote in the case of a tie.

  The GOP has lost its collective mind and deserves to die a painful and humiliating death. They're corrupt, immoral and incompetent. They're mostly feckless cunts kowtowing to a wannabe dictator and trying to overthrow American democracy. They need to suffer.