Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bristol Ren Faire Guardsmen

Rehearsing for a play

Ren Faire Entertainment

A Barber Surgeon & his tools

Here's a video of Bristol's resident barber surgeon, Willy Eaton Drinkmore.

Two Guardsmen

Walking around the Faire

The Queen & her Court

Following a Woodland Fairy

A Trio of Belly Dancers

Ren Faire Drum Jam

This is the drum jam and ends the day at the Bristol Renaissance Faire.

Me at the Ren Faire

Here's a video of me at the Bristol Renaissance Faire on Saturday Aug. 17th, 2013.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Anthony's Wiener

Anthony Wiener needs to get out of politics NOW!! He's clearly a sexual deviant and a complete fucking nutcase. Does he really think people are going to put up with his shit? I swear he's fucking brain damaged. What I want to know is what drives some people to do this stupid shit. ANYTHING YOU PUT OUT ON THE INTERNET IS PRETTY MUCH OUT THERE FOREVER!!! So if you're determined to send people lewd pictures, emails and text messages, send them in a way that only the recipient can view them. Encrypt the motherfuckers before sending them off into cyberspace. Or better yet, don't send them out at all. That way, you won't get in trouble for doing something so goddamned motherfucking idiotic. You'd think with everything politicians and celebrities get caught sending out, they'd be more Internet savvy by now. It almost makes me think that they're doing this deliberately just to get themselves in the news. Are they that narcissistic?

Ass Crack Licking Politicians

The federal government will never pass any meaningful legislation regulating the banking industry. Why? Because most politicians spend far too much time licking the shit out of the top bankers' ass cracks in order to get that precious campaign cash. Politicians are pretty much the ass crack lickers to the rich and the corporations. This has been especially true now that the Supreme Court declared corporations to be people and money to be speech. Now the rich can donate shitloads of both personal and corporate cash and buy all the political power they want. The rest of us are fucked.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Information Age and Dictatorships

It used to be that all a dictator had to do to prevent information about atrocities committed in their country from getting out was to control the local media outlets and keep outsiders out. That way only the government's views and opinions were disseminated to the populace. Any information they didn't like was brutally and effectively silenced. Now, with the widespread use of social media like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc., it's becoming extremely difficult for them to contain said information. Anybody with a cell phone, computer or tablet can be a reporter and let the world know what's going on in their country. Repressive regimes hate social media because it exists outside their country where they can't control it. They can't send secret police squads to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc. and co-opt them or shut them down. In Orwell's book 1984, all information was controlled by the Ministry of Truth. It controlled every form of information and could even alter the historical record to serve its ends. Become an unperson and all record of you and your life gets erased. You not only cease to exist, you never existed in the first place. That's pretty much impossible to do in the real world now. There is no way someone could erase all trace of your existence and make you an unperson. There's also no way anyone can completely contain the flow of information anymore. They can install all the Internet filters they want in order to block searches they don't like. People will just find a way around them. Information wants to be free.