Monday, September 12, 2016

Catching Up

  It's been a while since I last made a blog entry so it's time to catch up. In early July, I had finished the first of four rounds of chemo. I felt pretty good and I worked that Fourth of July. Since it was a holiday week, I had the next three days off. Things went downhill very quickly. It turns out that my immune system had been severely compromised by the chemo and I ended up catching pneumonia. An ambulance had to be called and I spent about a week in the ICU.
  GenCon got cancelled. I couldn't risk the possibility that I could get sick again while in Indianapolis. This fucking sucked because I was looking forward to the gaming events I had scheduled. As compensation, I ordered three books from Cubicle 7 for The One Ring rpg; Erebor, Horse Lords of Rohan and Journeys and Maps. I've received the Horse Lords book. The other two will come after they're printed.
  Another item I purchased was a paracord slungshot I saw in a YouTube video. It's referred to incorrectly as a Monkey's Fist. Technically, the monkey's fist is the knot wrapped around the 8 ounce phenolic resin ball that gives the weapon its flail like head. Here's the video. As you can clearly see, it's a nasty weapon. I've had to straighten out a snafu with my FMLA paperwork. Fortunately, things worked out and I'm covered until Sept. 30th. I'm debating whether or not I want to order a Sharpshooter keychain. This device is a form of self defense keychain that allows you to do Kubotan style strikes. In addition, you can deploy a length of paracord that allows you to lash out at your attacker with flail like strikes from your keys. Here's a video.