Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Atheist Hate Crime?

  As some of you may know, Craig Hicks has been accused of killing three Muslim students in North Carolina. Some reports say that the killings were over a parking space dispute. Other reports say that Craig, a self professed "gun toting" atheist, murdered the three Muslims because of a deep seated hatred of religion. Whatever the reason, what Craig Hicks did was wrong and if he's convicted, he must pay the penalty. What worries me is that he might actually have committed a hate crime. We atheists must stay out of the hate crime business. Let the religionists slaughter each other over differing religious beliefs. It only demonstrates to the world how truly fucked up they are. Atheists have to remain above this level of genocidal idiocy. Craig Hicks is hurting the atheist cause.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The NHGHs of Life Pt. 3 - The Health Edition

  My health has been pretty crappy lately. I spent the last four days of 2014 in the hospital due to my creatinine level jumping up to 6.91. Normal range is 1.0 to 1.3. It seems the trial drug (which was most likely Celebrex) and the metformin I was taking were the cause. A blood clot in my right calf was also found at this time. On a more recent note, I just got back from the hospital again. This time my INR was through the roof. Since the discovery of the blood clot, I've been taking Coumadin a.k.a. warfarin. It's an anticoagulant. I was also taking a faster acting anticoagulant, Lovenox, for a short time until the Coumadin in my system reached the therapeutic level of between 2 and 3. The amount of Coumadin I was taking was periodically adjusted in order to achieve this level. Right before I had to head back to the hospital, I was taking 12.5mg on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10mg the other days of the week. This past Wednesday, I wasn't feeling well. The right side of my jaw ached and I was told I looked rather pale. Every time I blew my nose, the mucus was bloody. That night, I couldn't sleep. I had chills and my jaw still hurt.
  The next day wasn't any better. My appetite was gone which turned out to be a good thing because my stomach became upset. I went to the emergency room and checked myself in. Over the course of the next few days, an infection was discovered in my jaw and my INR was found to be a stratospherically high 10.1. If I had cut myself during this time, I would have bled rather profusely. If I had suffered a more serious injury, I could easily have bled out. So more time in the hospital. More work days missed. More medical bills. This shit's happening far too frequently. I'm a pessimistic, cynical son of a bitch when things are relatively normal. This isn't improving my mood. I find myself waiting for the next crisis. It seems whenever things start looking up, NHGH comes along and bitch slaps the taste out of my mouth.