Friday, October 6, 2017

How Many?

Mark James Robert Essex, 9 dead, 13 wounded.
James Oliver Huberty, 21 dead, 19 wounded.
George Hennard, 23 dead, 27 wounded.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, 13 dead, 21 wounded.
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, 14 dead, 22 wounded.
James Eagan Holmes, 12 dead, 70 wounded.
Wade Michael Page, 6 dead, 4 wounded.
Charles Joseph Whitman, 16 dead, 31 wounded.
Stephen Paddock, 58 dead, 489 wounded.
Dylann Storm Roof, 9 dead, 1 wounded.
Omar Mateen, 49 dead, 58 wounded.
Adam Lanza, 27 dead.
  This is just a short list of some of the perpetrators of mass shootings in America. America has more mass shootings than any other country. For more information on this and a more complete list of American mass shootings, look here. After the Las Vegas shooting the Republicans, the White House and Fox News offered a bunch of hollow platitudes and meaningless prayers while claiming that now is not the time to be politicizing events like this. Of course, for them, the topic of gun control is always off limits because they're all lap dogs of the NRA, GOA, the gun lobby and the gun manufacturers. They have the power to do something. The fact that they do nothing is a clear indication that they care nothing about the victims. All they care about is money and power. These callous motherfuckers would rather lick the shit out of Wayne LaPierre's ass crack for campaign cash than make any effort to control gun violence here in America. How many people have to die or be wounded in attacks like these before they stop sitting with their collective thumbs up their asses and do something about it? It should be noted that the NRA supports new rules regarding bump stock devices.