Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Threat of Stupid People

   I came across a few videos regarding the theory of stupidity. In them, the narrator states that stupid people are an even greater threat to us than evil people. I'm going to post the videos below and then give my take on the matter.

  After watching these videos, one thing is apparent. Trump supporters are mostly composed of stupid people. You see them in the news quite a bit. They're the ones that still believe Trump won the 2020 election despite the abundance of evidence to the contrary. Nothing changes their minds. They're also the ones refusing to wear masks or get vaccinated despite the fact that Covid-19 has killed literally millions of people worldwide. The fact that some of these people are in the medical field gives weight to the one law that states that stupidity is independent of other factors. 
  On the bandit part of the graph, you have the likes of Fox News, OAN and other right wing media outlets. They're making money off of the stupid by fueling their conspiracy theories, anger and hate. They know that they don't have to present any evidence to back up their claims. The stupid will swallow their verbal diarrhea hook, line and sinker. I wanted to regard Trump as one of the stupid but I don't believe that's true. He's not the 'very stable genius' he claims to be but he is particularly good at grifting the stupid. He gets them all stirred up and then hits them up for cash. Trump's Truth Social media site doesn't look like it's going to last. Investors are already pulling out. I believe Trump is using Truth Social as a short term way to score some more cash. The site will crash and burn. He'll whine about how Big Tech was responsible yet again, for silencing conservative voices and beg his followers for more money to fight the good fight. Here's some videos on that.

  Truth Social, Gettr, Parler and other right wing blogging sites are simple there so stupid people can converse with other stupid people. The problem is there's no one there for them to try to antagonize and trigger. Going full on contard is no fun if everyone they're speaking to agrees with them. They need liberals to present the facts so they can blatantly ignore them and continue to spew their shit. That gives them their smug sense of mistaken superiority. 
  It's this blatant ignoring of the facts that makes the stupid so dangerous. Nothing sways them from their course. When the facts become too much to bear, they lash out. The Jan. 6th riot at the Capitol was a prime example of this behavior. They couldn't deal with the fact that Biden won by a wider margin of votes than Trump did when he beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. They couldn't handle the fact that Trump's team of lawyers failed like 60+ times in court to prove the election was rife with voter fraud. Mike Lindell to this day still claims he has proof voter fraud occurred despite the fact that he has yet to present any credible evidence to support said claims. That's the difference between the stupid and the bandit. When confronted with Dominion's defamation lawsuit, Fox News and OAN stopped claiming Dominion had rigged the election and cut ties with Lindell. While they profited off the lie initially, continuing down that path would've almost certainly resulted in them losing the lawsuit and paying out a fortune to Dominion. Lindell, on the other hand, just keeps doubling down on his losing bet. He just keeps making more and more outrageous and asinine claims. I can't wait for the trial to start just so I can watch Lindell go down in flames.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Truth Social: Another Trump Failure

   Dipshit Donnie is mad at Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites because they've banned him for spreading lies regarding the 2020 election among other things. In an effort to combat what he sees as Big Tech censorship, Shit for Brains is creating the Truth Social. Here's a video describing the site.

  Aside from the fact that the site is vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals, their free speech claims are shit. The TOS makes it clear that you can't disparage either Trump or the website itself. You could likely get away with calling Biden a Satan worshipping pedophile on the site and not get banned but if you insult Trump, you're out. So typical of a whiny, weak willed, narcissistic snowflake. To make things worse for this fetid pile of shit, investors bailed out of the project because they found out it was Trump's project.
  Truth Social won't last. Much like Gettr and Parler, this site will be little more than a place where contards can spew hate, disinformation and conspiracy theories. But as the one video pointed out, contards aren't happy unless they're trying to trigger liberals and they can't do that on these sites. Contards aren't interested in free speech. What they want is the ability to say whatever they want while simultaneously censoring the speech of everyone they don't like. Only their views matter.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Personal Matters

   The Hexacube Kickstarter is nearing fulfillment. The Hexacubes landed in L.A. a while back before moving to a shipping facility in Chicago. After sitting there for a little over a month, James finally received the dice. All the left is for James to inventory the order and start shipping the orders to the backers. The dUltimate Kickstarter is advancing. I've finalized the order and paid for the shipping. I've ordered a premium tier glow in the dark dUltimate with multicolored paint. The .PDF version of Dungeon Bitches is due to be released on Halloween. The print on demand version has been delayed. The people responsible for this Kickstarter want to make sure the page layout for the print version is correct before making it available. I've backed the Triple Hex Dice Kickstarter. This is another variation on the classic RPG dice sets one normally sees. Adding these, plus the Hexacubes, Spin DiceOrbidiceeDice, the Range 1 and all the standard RPG sets I own, I've become a full blown Dice Goblin. Here's a video of the Range 1 electronic dice device.

  My paperwork for the pension from my former employer arrived a while back. I have to fill them out and send them back to the union. The Nov. 4th Gwar concert at The Rave is approaching as is my 60th birthday on the 8th. There are a variety of movies I want to see like Venom 2, Dune, the Eternals, No Time to Die and perhaps even the latest Halloween. Dune is going to be shown on HBO Max.
  It looks like the Cthulhu Wars stuff that I ordered from The Game Steward is in the process of being manufactured. Most of this is from the Daemon Sultan and CATaclysm Kickstarters. I found out about another Cthulhu Wars figure, the Risen One, that's part of the Hastur Rising Kickstarter. The Game Steward isn't going to be getting this miniature but there's a seller on eBay that's going to be getting some. He's the seller that I purchased the Ancients and Glow in the Dark gates from a while back.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Spreaders (Anti-vaxxers) and Covid-19 Grifters

   It seems that anti-vaxxers get triggered when people refer to them as unvaccinated. These willfully ignorant, entitled snowflakes don't like the truth. So, in an effort to maintain their self important attitudes, they've decided that they want to be called "Pure Bloods". Here's the video.

  They've adopted a Nazi like moniker so they can mistakenly make themselves feel morally superior to those of us they regard as "tainted". The reality is their blood isn't any purer than anyone else's. They've likely been vaccinated for things like the mumpsmeasles and other diseases when they were children. They've also taken any number of medications, either over the counter or prescription, during their lifetimes. And if they've received blood transfusions... They claim that mRNA isn't a vaccine. The CDC says otherwise. The "Dr. David Martin" referred to in the Reuters article I've linked to has been spreading pandemic misinformation for some time now. Check out the links in the Reuters article for more. A more accurate moniker, other than unvaccinated, would be Spreader because they're clearly in favor of spreading disease rather than combatting it. Because of anti-vaxxers measlesmumps and tuberculosis are on the upswing. These diseases were virtually eradicated in the U.S.
  There has been a claim that 966 people died after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. The problem is that no one has established a causal link between their deaths and the vaccine. But, much like flat earthers, no amount of facts can penetrate into their delusional, conspiracy ridden minds. As far as they're concerned, everyone else is wrong and they're the only ones that know the Truth.
  This brings us to the Covid-19 grifters. These are the people that exploit the idiot anti-vaxxers in order to make money. Here are some videos.

Fox News and fringe right medical organization, America's Frontline Doctors have been pushing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine over getting vaccinated. They don't give a flying fuck if the people that listen to them live or die. They just want their money. It should be noted that 99% of Covid deaths occur among the unvaccinated. Despite the various Covid vaccines being around 90% effective against the disease, these motherfucking morons would rather use a variety of unproven methods to deal with the disease. I'm going to end this post with a video about anti-vaxxers combatting Covid with beet juice.