Monday, October 4, 2021

Spreaders (Anti-vaxxers) and Covid-19 Grifters

   It seems that anti-vaxxers get triggered when people refer to them as unvaccinated. These willfully ignorant, entitled snowflakes don't like the truth. So, in an effort to maintain their self important attitudes, they've decided that they want to be called "Pure Bloods". Here's the video.

  They've adopted a Nazi like moniker so they can mistakenly make themselves feel morally superior to those of us they regard as "tainted". The reality is their blood isn't any purer than anyone else's. They've likely been vaccinated for things like the mumpsmeasles and other diseases when they were children. They've also taken any number of medications, either over the counter or prescription, during their lifetimes. And if they've received blood transfusions... They claim that mRNA isn't a vaccine. The CDC says otherwise. The "Dr. David Martin" referred to in the Reuters article I've linked to has been spreading pandemic misinformation for some time now. Check out the links in the Reuters article for more. A more accurate moniker, other than unvaccinated, would be Spreader because they're clearly in favor of spreading disease rather than combatting it. Because of anti-vaxxers measlesmumps and tuberculosis are on the upswing. These diseases were virtually eradicated in the U.S.
  There has been a claim that 966 people died after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. The problem is that no one has established a causal link between their deaths and the vaccine. But, much like flat earthers, no amount of facts can penetrate into their delusional, conspiracy ridden minds. As far as they're concerned, everyone else is wrong and they're the only ones that know the Truth.
  This brings us to the Covid-19 grifters. These are the people that exploit the idiot anti-vaxxers in order to make money. Here are some videos.

Fox News and fringe right medical organization, America's Frontline Doctors have been pushing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine over getting vaccinated. They don't give a flying fuck if the people that listen to them live or die. They just want their money. It should be noted that 99% of Covid deaths occur among the unvaccinated. Despite the various Covid vaccines being around 90% effective against the disease, these motherfucking morons would rather use a variety of unproven methods to deal with the disease. I'm going to end this post with a video about anti-vaxxers combatting Covid with beet juice.

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