Monday, September 20, 2021

And Another One Gone

   Another pair of antivaxxers have died from Covid-19. Here's the article. And here's one of their last videos.

  When are these people going to wise up? Many diseases have been virtually eradicated because vaccines were developed to combat them. This anti-science stance is idiotic. These people won't take a vaccine that works but will take drugs not meant to treat Covid-19 because some dipshit on the internet says so. In one case, a lawyer is threatening a hospital because they refused to give an infected anti-vaxxer ivermectin. She subsequently died from pneumonia due to Covid-19 with hypothyroidism as a contributing factor. If the hospital had given her ivermectin she still would've died. Ivermectin is an anti-parasite drug. It's not meant to treat virus based diseases. Here's the video.

  More and more anti-vaxxers are dying from Covid-19 and there are still people that won't get vaccinated because they believe some conspiracy theory or other nonsensical bullshit. Adding to the problem are the people that enable these morons like the propaganda monkeys over at Fox News, OAN and Newsmax along with idiot lawyers and others. You know that the propaganda monkeys don't practice what they preach. I'd bet that all of them are vaccinated and wouldn't touch either ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine were they to catch some Covid variant. Yet they continue to spread disinformation regarding the disease. How many additional people have died because of these assholes?
  This shit is getting serious. Anti-vaxxers are gaslighting medics and ruining doctor-patient relationships. Anti-vax protests are going worldwide. A couple with an immunocompromised baby was kicked out of a restaurant because they were wearing masks. The motherfucking owner thinks the response to Covid-19 is overblown and would rather contribute to its spread than take measures to stop the disease. And this restaurant is in Texas which has one of the highest rates of Covid-19 infection in the country. I wonder why?

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