Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another Gun Related Tragedy

With the tragic killing of 28 people, including the shooter, the events at the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school are the latest in a string of mass killings that have occurred this year. It gets added to the list that includes the Aurora, Colorado theater slayings, the deaths at the Sikh Temple in Cudahy, the mall shootings in Oregon and the deaths at the Azana Salon and Spa in Milwaukee. We're racking up quite a grisly little total here, aren't we? Wonder what the Gun Lobby is going to say about this. They like to say that guns don't kill people, people kill people. True, but guns make it easier for people to kill people. It's a whole lot easier to kill many people quickly when you have sufficient firepower. Think about it. How easy would it be to kill a large group of people using a knife? Something needs to be done. The Gun Lobby has to realize that there's a problem here that needs to be addressed. They have to realize that some measure of compromise is necessary in order to keep guns out of the hands of disturbed individuals. Sadly, they view any attempt at regulation as the first step in taking guns away from everyone.

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