Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stand Your Ground

The Stand Your Ground laws that exist in this country make it possible to kill another human being and get away with it. This has been made clear with the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman didn't just stand his ground, he hunted down, confronted and killed an unarmed teenager. He did this even though he was told by police not to. Now I don't know what evidence was presented by the prosecution or defense presented in this case, so I can't render a decision on whether or not his acquittal was the right thing to do. My problem with the Stand Your Ground law is that untrained people can end up in situations they're not equipped to handle. Think about it, even trained law enforcement officers and soldiers make mistakes in stressful situations. How much worse is it for someone without their training? In my opinion, Zimmerman should have waited for the police to arrive before confronting Trayvon. Things might have ended differently then.

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