Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Couple of New Rants

  A couple of new things have been pissing me off lately. First off is a spoiled, arrogant, elitist little cocktard named Brock Turner. This degenerate spawn of upperclass inbreeding received a six month sentence for raping a young woman at Stanford University.  Where exactly is the justice in that sentence? All this little slap on the wrist is going to do is convince him that money and power will let him pretty much get away with anything. It seemed like too many people, including Judge Aaron Persky and Brock's father are worried about what effect this will have on him and his future and they don't give a flying fuck about the victim.
  Here's the punishment Brock needs for his "20 minutes of action". First, you wind some rusty, shit encrusted razor wire around his genitals and tighten the loop until they're removed completely. The only medical treatment he receives for this is cauterization of the wound to stop any bleeding. Next, he needs to learn that rape is bad by being gang raped on a daily basis for six months. Please note that none of the people raping him will be checked for STDs. After all, why should we show him any consideration? He obviously didn't show any to his victim. In between gang rapes, his ass will be plugged with the classic glass Coca Cola bottle. That way when he's out and about after his sentence he'll be periodically reminded that rape is still bad.
  My second rant concerns the Orlando shooting at the Pulse night club. Like all the other mass shootings that have taken place in this country, this one will result in nothing substantial getting done regarding gun control. Despite a 25 hour sit in by House Democrats, no compromise could be reached regarding the 4 gun bills that came up in the Senate. Why? Here's my theory on this matter. First off, too many Republicans are licking the shit out of Wayne LaPierre's ass crack in order to get NRA campaign cash. Second, Wayne LaPierre is licking the shit out of the ass cracks of his masters, the gun manufacturers. The gun manufacturers want these mass shootings to happen because it's good for business. They want people scared because scared people are more likely to buy guns. They also want to keep drumming home the lie that any form of gun control is just the government's way of eventually confiscating everyone's guns. As long as the gun zealots have their way, nothing will get done.
  While we're on the subject, it should be noted that the Orlando shooting took place at a gay night club. Most, if not all the victims were gay. Have you noticed how Conservatives went out of their way to avoid mentioning this fact? I get the feeling that deep down inside, these bigoted fuckwads were happy that the LGBTQ community was targeted. Most can't admit that openly for fear of repercussions, but they were secretly enjoying what happened. What do you expect from a group that routinely tries to pass laws that discriminate against the LGBTQ community?

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