Saturday, January 14, 2023

Hasbro/WoTC are trying to screw over the gaming community.

   Wizards of the Coast (WoTC) is trying to revoke the OGL 1.0a and institute the OGL 1.1 and it's pissing off roleplaying gamers. This has led to a lot of people cancelling their D&D Beyond subscriptions. Because of the cancellations, WoTC and Hasbro have backpedaled claiming the OGL 1.1 was just a draft and that they would rollout a revised OGL 2.0 sometime in the future. Rather than try to go into detail about the ongoing saga, I'm going to embed some YouTube videos laying out the details. 

  That's just a brief summary of the situation at the moment. WoTC and Hasbro have gotten greedy and are trying to alter the OGL in order to squeeze out the competition and bleed the gamer community for more cash. We're regarded as "obstacles to their money". This isn't the view of most of the employees at WoTC and Hasbro. It's primarily the view of the high up execs at WoTC and Hasbro. Paizo are creating their own open gaming license, the Open RPG Creative License (ORC). This license will not be owned by any TTRPG company and will be permanent and irrevocable (as people have said the OGL 1.0a is). Kobold Press has started Project Black Flag in response to WoTC and Hasbro. Here's a video about that. 

  The gamer community must come together with Paizo and Kobold Press. It's time to hoist the Black Flag and join the ORC Horde!! Despite WoTC and Hasbro stating that they're going to address our grievances, they're just going to modify OGL 1.1, and hope things will blow over and we'll forget. Then they'll sneakily modify the OGL adding back everything that angered us in the first place. They only way they could possibly regain our trust is to either make the OGL 1.0a permanent and irrevocable or sign the ORC License.

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