Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pretty People, Rich People

  Pretty people have a decided advantage over those of us of ordinary appearance. Take the case of Jeremy Meeks, the so called "Hot Convict". Hundreds of thousands of people pleaded for mercy for him solely because he's good looking. He's signed with two Hollywood agents that want to capitalize on his looks. Does anyone reading this think there'd be all this fuss over him if he were average or homely looking? The answer is, of course, "Fuck no!!". This guy wouldn't rate even the most meager amount of attention if he weren't good looking. Let's face facts. Women want mercy for him because, deep down inside, they want to fuck him. It's evolution. People instinctively seek out the most genetically desirable mate. So physically attractive people tend to get treated better than the rest of us. Rich people, on the other hand, simply get what they want by buying it. Things like cars, boats, politicians. The government rolls over backwards to accommodate them. The current Supreme Court's ruling that money is speech and the ending of contribution limits means that the rich will control what the rest of us see and hear when the campaign for the Presidency begins in earnest. As long as the rich have this kind of power, the rest of us are screwed.

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