Friday, August 27, 2021

Natural Selection, Covid-19 and the Darwin Awards

   It seems that natural selection is weeding out some of the more virulent anti-vax and anti-mask idiots polluting our airwaves. These smug, self centered, narcissistic and entitled fuckwads arrogantly think of themselves as "freedom fighters". They don't care that their asinine behavior is putting people at risk and leading to more variations of Covid-19. And as we get more variations, those of us that had the foresight to get vaccinated as soon as possible can find ourselves vulnerable to one or more of these variants. It's possible that I caught the Delta variant a while back when I thought I'd caught a cold.

  These self righteous pricks are extending the pandemic and putting people in danger. And to make matters worse, the contard propaganda monkeys at Fox are downplaying getting the vaccine while pushing drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The first one is used to treat parasitic infestations while the other is primarily used to treat malaria. Neither of these drugs have been proven effective against Covid-19. The study that some have sighted as evidence of ivermectin's effectiveness against Covid-19 may have been founded on fabricated data, plagiarism and ethical breaches. These morons won't follow the advice of people with actual medical credentials but they'll accept the verbal diarrhea spewing from the orifices of ignorant shitheads on TV and the internet.

  But enough of that. Let's look at some videos of some of the latest recipients of the Darwin Award. These individuals have pushed vaccine and Covid-19 misinformation and paid a karmically appropriate price for it. They all got Covid-19 and died.

  I feel absolutely no sympathy of these cocksuckers. I truly hope they suffered as they lay dying in their hospital beds. These people took up valuable hospital beds and resources. They've spread the disease to who knows how many people while they were strutting around thinking that they were superior to those of us that wear masks and got vaccinated. While some of them saw the light as they lay in the hospital, it was a case of too little, too late. The damage has been done. It's times like these that this old atheist wishes there was a Hell just so these stupid bastards' suffering could continue for eternity.

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