Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Rise of Contard Fascism

   The fascist contards on the Supreme Court have overturned Roe vs. Wade. Apparently, this is just the beginning. According to Clarence Thomas, gay marriage, the ability to purchase contraceptives and LGBTQ+ rights could be struck down. Here's the video.

This has sparked protests from pro-choice advocates. Here's that video.
  These contard assholes want to take away the rights of groups they want to oppress while making it as easy as possible for anyone to get high powered military grade weaponry. They want to shove their religion down everyone's throats. They go to extremes to protect the unborn while denying people health care, paid leave and other support programs. A "gun control" bill has passed in Congress, but it doesn't really do much. This watered-down piece of shit does very little when it comes to gun control. The only reason any GOP members signed on was because 2022 is an election year for some of its members and they don't want to be seen as pro mass shootings. Here's that video.

  So, there you have it. Guns have all kinds of protection while the citizens of the U.S. are slowly losing their rights. The contards go out of their way to protect the unborn only to abandon them after birth. The right wants to keep their followers credulous, angry and armed to the teeth just in case they feel the need to try another insurrection. I'm going to end this post with two more videos, one from Betty Bowers and the other from one of the greatest comedians of all time, George Carlin.

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