Friday, April 19, 2013

The Senate and the NRA

Once again, the Senate has put a wealthy special interest group, the NRA, over the will of the people. They voted against bills that would call for universal background checks on gun purchases, an assault weapons ban and limiting the size of magazine clips. The senators responsible for killing these bills are clearly more interested in sucking the money spewing cocks of the higher ups in the NRA than they are exercising the will of the people. Even the majority of the NRA membership is in favor of these bills but the rulers of the NRA have their collective heads buried so far up the Gun Lobby's ass, they're incapable of listening to their members. This is why the government is so fucked up. They're more interested in money and power than they are in governing properly. This government is a plutocracy, not a democracy. As long as wealthy groups and individuals can buy the government, the rest of us will continue to get fucked anally with a razor wire dildo.

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