Thursday, March 19, 2020

Chinese Communist Party Coronavirus World Tour 2020

  The coronavirus is still wrecking havoc on the planet. Restaurants in the area are doing drive thru and carry out only. The credit union is conducting business only via online and drive up banking. The  local Marcus Theatre is on intermission for the time being. At work, the salad and hot bars are shut down and there will be no hot soup until further notice. The deli and store itself are closing two hours earlier than normal during the quarantine.
  Now, lest we forget, we have the Chinese Communist Party to thank for all this shit. I covered this to a degree in my last blog post. What I want to post here are a series of YouTube videos detailing the origins of Covid-19 and the incompetent response by the CCP and WHO as well as the CCP's attempts to spin doctor things to make themselves look good.
  The first video details the origins of the virus.

  What did the Chinese Communist Party do when Covid-19 first appeared? They covered it up of course. Here's the video.

  Then the CCP started looking for someone to blame in addition to silencing anyone spreading news outside of China regarding the spread of the virus.

  The CCP's response to Covid-19 has basically been Mao style heavy handed authoritarianism. Here's the next video.
  Also responsible for the spread of Covid-19 is the World Health Organization because many members of the WHO are little more than corrupt lackeys of the CCP as detailed in the following video.

As Covid-19 continues to spread, the CCP becomes even more heavy handed with its authoritarianism. Check out the video.
  To make matters even worse, Chinese pig farms are feeding Colistin, the most powerful antibiotic we possess, to their pigs so they can better survive the poorly regulated factory farms they have in China. Antibiotics have been overused for some time now by many countries which has led to them becoming less effective as antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and viruses come into being. Check out the information in this video.

  If you want to get an idea as to how the outbreak should have been handled, take a look at this video regarding Taiwan's response to Covid-19. They handled the matter in a manner FAR superior to the botched, authoritarian way the Chinese Communist Party handled things.

  Of course, the CCP wants the world to believe that they're doing a wonderful job handling the outbreak. They've manipulated the WHO and a variety of news outlets into spreading news about their glorious handling of things and how the CCP has saved the world from Covid-19. The next video further highlights the CCP's authoritarian crackdown on the Chinese people while the two after that demonstrate how the CCP spin doctors the news to make themselves look good while silencing critics by saying that they're being racist.

  So there you have it. The Chinese Communist Party completely fucked up their response to the Covid-19 outbreak by covering it up, arresting and silencing anyone in China that tried to get news of the outbreak disseminated. The CCP then resorted to Mao style crackdowns on the population in order to control the virus. They've spin doctored events by turning the WHO into a bunch of corrupt lackeys and deceiving media outlets into propagating their propaganda. Anyone criticizing the CCP is labeled racist and they're trying their damnedest to either blame America for Covid-19 or claim that its origin is unknown. The truth is Covid-19 originated in a wet market in Wuhan, China. The world needs to stop buying the CCP's bullshit and call them out on their incompetence in handling the matter.